Below are our past results in the Equinics.
Past Results:
2020 (1 gold, 1 silver, 0 bronze) = 8 points (Placed 13th out of 14)
2018 (1 gold, 0 silver, 1 bronze) = 6 points (Placed 12th out of 14)
2016 (0 gold, 1 silver, 0 bronze) = 3 points (Placed 20th out of 20)
2014 (1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze) = 9 points (Placed 12th out of 17)
2012 (3 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze) = 25 points (Placed 6th out of 18)
2010 (0 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze) = 7 points (Placed t-14th out of 20)
2008 (1 gold, 0 silver, 1 bronze) = 8 points (Placed t-14th out of 18)
2006 (3 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze) = 25 points (Placed t-4th out of 20)
2004 (4 gold, 3 silver, 0 bronze) = 24 points (Placed 3rd out of 17)
2002 (0 gold, 3 silver, 3 bronze) = 12 points (Placed 10th out of 17)
Residencies can win a lot prize credits and if we win those, they are of course will be put directly back into the residency.
How can we be successful?:
We are hoping our residency's best horses. But I understand if we may not get a top-10 game ranked horse because they are on to bigger and better things, but that next level is what we need. Often we have entered Allowance level horses that simply don't have a shot. Sure I appreciate your willingness to run any horse, but to accomplish what the residency needs to accomplish, we need to do better.
There is a lot of time to situate your stables to line up horses that can give us a boost, so I ask kindly that you consider doing so.
Any questions let me know.
NWRC and the Equinics
NWRC and the Equinics
NWRC Stables: sledge4 | wbrv | camry | rycamkel