Tour Details

Pick a partner and enjoy a trip around the circuit.
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Tour Details

Post by sledge4 »

- See Full Rules!

- Pick 2 of your stables.

- Tour Starts April 7th.

(1st) 7-5-3-2-1 (5th)
NWRC Stables: sledge4 | wbrv | camry | rycamkel
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Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:49 pm
Location: Upstate, NY

Re: Tour Details

Post by sledge4 »

I'm going to try a couple new things with this version after a couple failed attempts to get it going early on. Although the rules weren't the issue, it was the activity/interest. I'd like to get at least 4 teams minimum.

- Reduce length of contest from 10 to 7 weeks.

- Create teams based on the Q1 div challenge standings.

1st change is obvious...less weeks may mean more folks stay interested.

2nd change is a shot in the dark to try and make the teams evenly matched. I will take the avg points from the Q1 division challenge of the 2 stables you wish to play with and rank together for each player. Then take the highest points earning pair (resident) and match him/her with the lowest. And so on...

#1 (Stable 1 = 125 points + Stable 2 = 117 points) = Avg 121 pts
#2 (Stable 1 = 110 points + Stable 2 = 100 points) = Avg 105 pts
#3 (Stable 1 = 90 points + Stable 2 = 80 points) = Avg 85 pts
#4 (Stable 1 = 60 points + Stable 2 = 50 points) = Avg 55 pts

The teams would then be residents #1 and #4 and then residents #2 and #3.

Make sense? Is that not a good idea? This way it's not a popularity contest or race to sign-up first and grab the next person who signs up.

NWRC Stables: sledge4 | wbrv | camry | rycamkel
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