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NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:35 pm
by sledge4
As always, I try to get the members feelings on potential changes. I was talking with Hobby and he felt (and I agreed) that maybe we should consider opening our restrictions in an effort to draw more residents and thus activity.
Please give me your thoughts.
My initial thought would be to try covering the 4 "Americas" divisions.
Of course, that would not make us the "Northwest Racing Circuit", but we can cross that bridge as needed.
Re: NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:06 pm
by Hobby
As Will mentioned, I'm in favor of opening up things to more tracks. I'd be curious to know why folks would be opposed to it. Basically, my question is: what does limiting the tracks do for us? Maybe there are things I haven't considered...
Re: NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:49 am
by Roys
I doubt it really matters whether all tracks (might as well open it up to the world) count towards whatever contests are offered.
For myself, I always have tried to enjoy my Sim expierence as if I was running a real stable. I always try to to stay in a certain area but maybe that is because I don't have many stables or good horses. The stables I have at NWRC try to race in the area. That was the fun of a local residency. So my stables will continue to race in the area, because that is my choice and my way of playing. My real racehorses never leave Arizona, except when my local racetrack doesn't open and even then it is usually just one horse because the cost of shipping is prohibitive. A horse pretty much needs to win one race to cover the cost of getting there and one race to cover the horse getting home - cheap horses run for cheap money (my win purse locally is around $3000). The idea of a real life, cheap horse winning at least two races in a short amount of time is perposperous.
I guess what I am trying to say in my convoluted way is open it up - change the Residency name or not - I don't think it is going to matter in the way our residency people play the game. I do hope you will at least keep the residency races on the west coast and not in Ireland or NY as I for one will not ship to enter.
Re: NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:06 pm
by Hobby
Roys wrote:I doubt it really matters whether all tracks (might as well open it up to the world) count towards whatever contests are offered.
For myself, I always have tried to enjoy my Sim expierence as if I was running a real stable. I always try to to stay in a certain area but maybe that is because I don't have many stables or good horses. The stables I have at NWRC try to race in the area. That was the fun of a local residency. So my stables will continue to race in the area, because that is my choice and my way of playing. My real racehorses never leave Arizona, except when my local racetrack doesn't open and even then it is usually just one horse because the cost of shipping is prohibitive. A horse pretty much needs to win one race to cover the cost of getting there and one race to cover the horse getting home - cheap horses run for cheap money (my win purse locally is around $3000). The idea of a real life, cheap horse winning at least two races in a short amount of time is perposperous.
I guess what I am trying to say in my convoluted way is open it up - change the Residency name or not - I don't think it is going to matter in the way our residency people play the game. I do hope you will at least keep the residency races on the west coast and not in Ireland or NY as I for one will not ship to enter.
So this all makes good sense to me Roys. And my current philosophy is to race at NWRC tracks as my first option, but to look at other US tracks when there isn't anything that fits or there is a stakes race that makes more sense elsewhere (no need to go overseas for the most part...maybe a graded race, but no biggie if that's not part of the residency). Even though I'd like to see it opened up somewhat, I strongly agree with keeping the NWRC bought races in the West.
A question for Will: Is it possible to do something like full points at NWRC tracks and half points at other US tracks? It would probably involve importing two sets of stats which may make things somewhat more difficult, or maybe it's just an extra couple of minutes, you'd be the one who'd know the answer to that. A system like this would still keep the NWRC name and tradition relevant (encouraging use of NWRC tracks), but would give trainers a little more flexibility.
Re: NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:57 pm
by sledge4
It's something I can look into with split points.
We could also create 2 divisions within the residency. Owners could designate which region(s) they will have primary focus.
Plus, we need to get more interest in contests. I think if any new perspective members stop by forum, they see limited activity and it probably sways them away.
I'm all ears....
Re: NWRC Tracks & Thoughts
Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:39 am
by Nagnagnag
Awesome Idea.... Re-invent the NWRC residency. I say we should open up the restrictions to new tracks, but in terms of divisional challenge maybe keep it traditional NWRC locations. We could make TOTM and TOTY categories residency wide, and have a specialized series of races that include those. It opens up contest ideas and may make us more attractive to other users.
Another thing is we can promote the hell out of this on the MB. NWRC changing name and focus... NWRC Redux.... whatever. We can use this as a way to increase the visibility of the residency itself. Maybe hold a vote on a name change, have folks submit ideas and members vote on the best one (just an idea).
I have a question.... can we still bet on races and if so how? I don't seem to recall that in the tutorials. Thanks