LL - Feb 17/18
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:50 am
One entry per person (not stable)
- Biggest across the board payoff for a Saturday or Sunday race - wins 100 credits.
- Picks must be up by 6 am Saturday OGT ( Official Game Time - found under "Misc")
- Horse must be from one of YOUR stables and stable must be a NWRC stable but the horse can be racing anywhere.
100 credits up for grabs.
I need:
The stable
Race Day and Track
- Biggest across the board payoff for a Saturday or Sunday race - wins 100 credits.
- Picks must be up by 6 am Saturday OGT ( Official Game Time - found under "Misc")
- Horse must be from one of YOUR stables and stable must be a NWRC stable but the horse can be racing anywhere.
100 credits up for grabs.
I need:
The stable
Race Day and Track