Divisional Challenge - Rules/Prizes
Current Standings
Past Winners


  Elite Master Pro Class Amatuer Rookie
1st Place 1st choice of horse* 2nd choice of horse* 3rd choice of horse* 4th choice of horse* 5th choice of horse* 100 credits
2nd Place 450 credits 350 credits 250 credits 150 credits 50 credits N/A
3rd Place 225 credits 175 credits 125 credits 75 credits 25 credits N/A

* Choice Of Horse = Any horse in the Prize Pool marked as "Open", click here to view the list.


  1. Open to NWRC residents.  Your stable(s) are automatically entered when you join.

  2. Residents must race a total of 9 races for each stable residing at the NWRC. Races must be at a NWRC track to stay a member.

  3. Must run at one of the 20 NWRC tracks to earn points for the contest.  Only Saturday races will accumulate points.  RODOTS races will NOT count in the contest.

  4. Residents stables will be divided into 5 divisions.  At the end of each contest, all residents scores will be sorted from Highest score, winner of Elite Division, to lowest score.  Top 25 scores will be in the Elite Division.  Next 50 will be in the Master Division, etc.

  5. New residents will be placed in the Rookie Division.

  6. All ties will be broken by wins, places, shows, etc.

  7. Points will be given as follows:

         Win - 25
         Place- 12
         Show - 7
         4th - 4
         5th - 2

    Earnings - 1 point for each $1,000 earned starting with $1,000.  Max of 35 points earned in one week will be allowed.  Example: earnings for mystable for week 1111 are 5,400.  Mystable would receive 5 points from the earnings.